The Heart of Customer Service

What is Customer Service?


” Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. The perception of success of such interactions is dependent on employees “who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest”.Customer service is also often referred to when describing the culture of the organization. It concerns the priority an organization assigns to customer service relative to components such as product innovation and pricing. In this sense, an organization that values good customer service may spend more money in training employees than the average organization, or may proactively interview customers for feedback.” – Wikipedia (


For me, customer service is when you provide your customer the best experience they can get from a product or service they have paid for. Everyone has a fair share of experiences being a customer, we all have expectations from the product itself and more from the people who provided you the product or services.We can all agree that customer service is part of our day to day lives, not just the ones in big corporations, so regardless of who you are, professional or not, employee, employer or self employed, we all should have a fair understanding of customer service.


My philosophy on it is that, we need to give them their money’s worth, or even exceed them through a great experience that can get through our products or services.
This can be a simple smile while you serve their food, your sense of urgency and punctuality, you being the knowledgeable and expert about the product or your company’s processes and procedures. How you listen to what they want and know what they need. How you explain things in a manner that they will understand. How you make them feel that you care and you are working towards a resolution of any issues or concerns.

In my years of experience being in the call center industry where great customer service skills is a must. It helped me hone and understand customers better. Yes not all customers are soft spoken and nice but what I always have in mind is that I will treat them the way that I wanted to be treated given their situation.
Plus you have to be sincere, patient and real in what you are saying and doing because one way or another they will know if you are just faking it.

Customer service is the part of the any business that adds our personal touch in it, our human side. It is not just a mere transaction, it is an experience interacting with a fellow human being and it will really pay off if it was a worthwhile one both on the business side and personal side. This can make or break you and your business since you are dealing with people, loyalty, recommendation and word of mouth are very crucial to any business in this social media age.



Just like what they golden rule says “Do unto others, what you want others do unto you”. You want good business, then give great customer service experience to all your customers and in no time, you’ll see the fruits of it.